Spenden für Bäume in Kenia ist unser neuester Partner für einen guten Zweck
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Bisher: Kiva.org und regenwald.org (Blogartikel).
Diesen Monat nehmen wir Greenbeltmovement.com auf.
Die Organisation Greenbeltmovement pflanzt Bäume in Kenia um den Bewohnern Arbeit zu geben. Die Bäume sorgen auch für Schatten, halten das Grundwasser konstant, verhindern Bodenerosion und stellen das natürliche Aussehen der Landschaft wieder her.
Since 1977, GBM Kenya has led a nationwide campaign to conserve local biodiversity, enhance natural beauty and prevent soil erosion. Experts say that a forest cover of 10% is required for a country to sustain life naturally—forest cover affects the availability of rain, availability of underground water, soil fertility, and clean air, prevention of soil erosion, and the beauty of the landscape. At present Kenya's forest cover is less than 2%. GBM Kenya is therefore fully engaged in the campaign—promoting the planting of indigenous trees in forest catchment areas, private farms and public spaces to preserve local biological diversity.
The GBM Kenya strategy is based on a ten-step procedure that culminates in the purchase of seedlings by GBM Kenya from groups. The groups benefit from the income generated through the sale of their seedlings, and the goal towards reforestation is advanced. In Muthetheni division of Machakos District, a water-harvesting project has been initiated to support conservation and food security activities in the area. In this semi-arid area, water is abundant at some times of the year and completely lacking in others. As a result GBM Kenya in collaboration with the Embassy of Germany, has piloted the construction of sand dams to capture water during rainy seasons.